marți, 30 martie 2010

Candida Diet Cookbooks For Your Sugar Free Diet

Looking for good cookbooks for your candida diet? I have several good references for this. One of them is I use this great cookbook called Candida Albicans Yeast-Free Cookbook: How Good Nutrition Can Help Fight the Epidemic of Yeast-Related Diseases.I love this book because the recipes are so easy to do. I am a confirmed protein-and-sweets eater, don't really like vegetables or fruit. But this book is converting me.There's also a great recipe in here for Mock Spaghetti, if you are Italian, you might like it. You take a small spaghetti squash and cut it in half lengthwise. You bring 1 1/2 inches of water to boil and plop the squash in cut side down and cover and simmer for about 20-30 min or until you can poke a fork through the back.Meanwhile you make spaghetti sauce. I usually cheat here and use a can of sauce and a can of stewed chopped tomatoes and chop up some veggies and throw it in there and simmer it all together for a while. There is a recipe in here for a spaghetti sauce using all fresh ingredients that they recommend.When the squash is done, drain the water and use a fork to scratch out the pulp. It looks like spaghetti! Put it on a plate and put the sauce over it and eat!It's so good, I think it's better than pasta which, once you're on this diet a while, tastes like paste.I also use Erica White's "Beat Candida Cookbook" and I find it pretty good - it even grades the recipes for difficulty, to help you decide if you've got the energy to even start them on the really yucky days! seuss book collection sets cat hat

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