vineri, 2 aprilie 2010

"Get Google Ads Free" Review - Does It Stack Up?

Many of you will have come across an ebook called "Get Google Ads Free". The author of this book (Dr. John Cohen) claims to have received $87 million in free pay per clicks (adwords/overture etc) over a 9 year period using a secret of his. But does "Get Google Ads Free" stack up to his outrageous claims?When I first saw the sales page for this ebook I was going through a steep learning curve with google adwords and was looking for anything to reduce costs and improve conversion rates.When I saw this I thought my prayers may have been answered. Even though I was in a desperate state of mind I was skeptical of the hyped up sales page. I mean, how can anyone possibly get $87 million in free ppc's. But alas, curiosity got the better of me and I bought the ebook.As I was expecting some amazing, unbelievable secret technique, disappointment set in upon first aquaintance. There was no easy, clever way to get adwords completely free with little work (though if we're being honest, it doesn't exist).As I read on however, my disappointment disappeared. What the ebook is based around is a simple, clever marketing strategy that has been used before. However, not many people online know about this strategy. While it doesn't magically give free ppc's, if used properly, it should offset the costs.When he first explained this, I slapped myself on the head mouthing "why didn't I think of this?" It is one of those things that is oh so simple, yet extremely clever at the same time. The author goes on to explain how to use it so we can not only offset our adwords costs, but also how to profit from it. He does this in great detail and I was surprised by how much content he crammed into it. Another thing I liked, was that it wasn't entirely confined to this strategy. He gave lots of good information on optimizing your adwords account and even went into some offline advertising.The ebook is well written and presented. It is 125 pages long, yet it doesn't drag. He has also put together an excellent, extensive affiliate section which is even longer than the sales page.So, is Get Google Ads Free worth the $67 asking price? If you are looking for completely free adwords with no strings attached, then keep looking (and looking, and looking). But if you want to know how you can offset or at least reduce PPC costs you should consider Get Google Ads Free. Even if you don't use the central idea of the ebook , there is enough sideline information to justify its purchace.If you would like more information or want to purchase Get Google Ads Free, click here - dr seuss cat in hat history

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